Today I spent about two hours putting three tarps on the roof! The wind was blowing so hard, that it was nearly an impossible task! I had some heavy wood to try and hold down the tarps, but the wind was still too strong. I finally got two tarps stapled down, and the third one about half stapled, then a strong gust of wind came along and ripped the staples right out, and tore the tarp off the roof, along with the heavy pieces of wood!!!
I brought the tarp and wood back up the ladder, and finally managed to get the last tarp stapled down. Took at least an hour to get the last tarp stapled down securely.
The value and use of Western Australia’s native forests now and into the
Day 11: Esperance to Albany: The Unconventional Ride. 750 km in 10 days. My
first sighting of Mt Manypeaks as the sun broke through. My ride for today
3 years ago